With its 1 billion active monthly users Instagram is one of the most popular social media channels out there. Social media in itself has established its standing in our every day lives. That’s why it would be foolish not to harness it for your use as a business owner. But as a new or small business, you probably don’t have the time to dedicate for social media, at least not the way it should be done. Learning how to automate Instagram likes will definitely help you out a lot. And you can automate pretty much anything social media related these days anyhow, saving you a lot of time.
Beginner’s tips to Instagram marketing
First things first, make sure you have an account on Instagram for your business. Pick an account name by your business name and create a hashtag with it, make it stand out, so people won’t confuse it with another brand. Make sure the hashtag appears on your Instagram profile, on your Facebook page, on Twitter, anywhere over the social media. But take it outside too. Add it to your receipts, e-mails and so on. Bring it to people’s eyes.
It’s good to learn how to automate Instagram likes, but it will be of no use if you can’t get the word out about your business. So when you post to Instagram, announce about it on your Facebook page. When you post a new article on your website, bring it to Insta as well. And use your hashtag.
Go out there and interact with influencers and your target audience. That’s the only way to get completely organic traffic and followers. Then create amazing content on your own profile. Something that people will react to. Ask a question, arrange a competition, anything relating to your business and niche. Get creative. The more engaging the blurb on your post is, the more likely it is that people will start to follow you.Â
How to gather up followers
Creating quality content won’t bring you all the followers you want, and not even all the followers you need. To ease up your workload, there are tons of tools to help you out on the other things. Mastering how to automate Instagram likes is one of the features those tools have. Liking is a huge part of Instagram and crucial to getting followers. But liking and commenting takes time and who has that to throw around? No one. Pick up a tool like the Socinator and make liking less time-consuming.
The stereotype of automated likes is a bit negative, but don’t be fooled. With Socinator you can actually pick the settings so the automated likes go only to users and posts relating to your niche. So, as a dance studio, you won’t be liking content from a trucking company – unless that is somehow your target audience.
Interacting isn’t the only thing as mentioned above. Quality content means photos and videos of good quality. That’s something you can’t automate. You need to invest some time to get those photos and videos to pop. Interacting and beautiful feeds are the things that get you places.
Social Media Automation for Businesses
Without automation, most businesses wouldn’t have the resources to be present on social media. Which again, would be a waste, since it is the number one medium to reach as many eyes as possible. You may ask, how to automate Instagram likes, comments or whatever. The answer is as simple as a social media automation tool. Social media managers use them, so why not save up money and learn to use those tools yourself.Â
Automating everything is not the solution though. While mastering how to automate Instagram likes with a proper automation tool, is a great way to save some time, automating comments might not be something worth doing. Most people will know if your comments are automated, they lack personality and sometimes it is as obvious as commenting something totally out of place. So, every once in a while, take some time to actually, type and post a few comments personally. Â
Despite the comment automation, these tools can totally be your best investment, if you can call a $9,95 a month an investment. With them, you don’t only understand how to automate Instagram likes, but you get to prepare a whole week’s worth of social media posts at once, set each of them to be published at the right time, check your unfollowers and even automate the deletion of those unfollowers if you’d like. And then you don’t have to think about social media in a while and concentrate on running your business instead.
In short, social media automation saves time and money. You can still keep your interactions personal, but use your precious time better than by surfing social media all day. Who’s got time for that?
How to Automate Instagram Likes
As mentioned a few times over this article, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Well, as easy as to picking up the right automation tool for you. There’s so many out there, but we recommend the Socinator – The Social Dominator. They offer you a few different plans, that come with the same features. But the more you pay for it, the more social media accounts you can link to Socinator. Usually, the cheapest plan, $9,95 a month, is perfectly enough for a small and medium-sized business, with its 10 social media accounts.
So, what are you waiting for? Go download Socinator, take your business’s social media marketing to the next level and learn how to automate Instagram likes using the best social media automation software.
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