Instagram has been loyal to its users when it comes to bringing new updates and astounding features. From the day it started gaining popularity, Instagram has never slowed down.
Recently, this incredible social media platform has introduced some latest interactive features to the story ads, which may take brand awareness in a completely new direction. However, some other features are also in the testing process which might get included soon to enhance the overall user experience. We will discuss that also in this article. So, let’s check out what new Instagram updates are stored for us.
Polling Sticker

There are several story stickers available on Instagram that can be used to make the stories more attractive and conversational. But, the good news is, Instagram has added new features, especially for story ads to make them appealing. Isn’t that impressive?
Now advertisers can able to add polling stickers to the image and video of their ads to ask questions to the viewers regarding their choice for any particular product or service. Earlier, only “click here” option was available for the story ads to redirect the audience to the landing page.
So, if you are also running ads on Instagram, then you can make the most out of this feature as users are now getting familiar with the polling sticker by watching native stories. According to a recent survey, it has witnessed that people are giving a positive response to this feature and love to engage with it. Those who have started using this sticker in their ads are getting more than 70% participation rates. And engagement is an essential factor for achieving success in social media platforms.
Moreover, by using this feature, you can quickly grab the attention of your audience and able to build a healthy relationship with them. Though this may not help that much for improving your conversion rates, it can surely be the best option to increase your brand awareness.
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In testing: Locking old usernames
Apparently, Developer Jane Manchun Wong catches the in-testing features and latest changes on Instagram which are quite impressive.
She observed that Instagram is experimenting and testing a feature that will let you hold on to your username for 14 days after you changed it. So, if you change your mind or come across a situation that requires you to roll back to your old username, then you can only be able to do that within that grace period of 14 days. Otherwise, some other person is eligible to claim it.
The main intention of bringing this feature is to reduce the usage of username bots that has become one of the most prevalent issues on Instagram, specifically among popular accounts. However, it is not that much common also to affect your business, but it is very much helpful when you want to change your username without any allegiance.
In testing: Co-watching video feature
Social media plays a vital role in bringing people together regardless of distance and time. Both Instagram and Facebook are investing a lot of efforts to find new ways of making their platforms more interactive. And now, you will be surprised to know that, Instagram is testing another feature which allows their users co-watch video and interacts simultaneously, but within direct messaging (again spotted by Jane Manchun Wong). Another fascinating thing is, users can also make use of face filters and other visual effects apart from splitting the screen with the co-viewers.
This new would-be Instagram feature is almost like a watch party option on Facebook. The only difference is that it will be available for private use only and can be exceedingly helpful for the brands as they can provide their content to their small exclusive groups.
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In testing: Video scrubbing
It is a very well known fact that Instagram has a certain restraint for posting videos. It only allows its users to post the videos that are maximum 60 seconds long. However, this quick video viewing facility itself eliminates the necessity of video controls. But then also people feel the need of having a video scrubbing feature on Instagram.
Jane Manchun Wong recently announced on Twitter that Instagram is testing and coming up with the scrubbing feature so that people can scroll through the videos and watch the frame that interests them more. However, this feature is already available on Instagram but for IGTV only. So, it feels quite late for this little addition.
Instagram updates are always focused on to provide great experience and security to its users. These new changes are very groundbreaking and will surely be loved by people. However, the testing features are still waiting to be officially announced by Instagram. But it would be really interesting to use them and more importantly, wait for the next edition.
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