Instagram is a very popular social media platform, as you all know. Its popularity is currently more than Facebook and due to this, getting likes on Instagram has become difficult for the budding influencers. It has become tough for people to reach the “Discover” section, and the brands on Instagram make this job more difficult.
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Brand advertisement on Instagram has risen quite a lot in just a few years that 7 out of 10 hashtags are branded ones.
Thus, a simple post on Instagram will not work you have to think out of the box, and consider all the factors that can help you improve engagement on your profile.
Now, the question arises is how to go from zero to trending on Instagram? How to build fame from the ground up?
To answer all of these questions, I have put together some key points with the help of which you can increase your popularity/likes on your Instagram posts by posting at the right time.
Here’s how you can easily increase your Instagram followers.
Let’s get started.
How December’19 Instagram Update Affects The Posting Time?
With the update, Instagram has changed what users will see as they open their feed. Instagram is now more about consistency, meaning it will show you the posts of the people who upload content on a daily basis. Thus it is essential that you tap the benefits of this useful feature and posts daily on Instagram.
To utilize it completely, you need to be active and post when the engagement is at its peak while considering the people from another end of the globe too. You might be thinking, how can I share my posts by targeting audiences from another end of the world also?
Don’t worry; I have just the trick for that, so stay tuned until the end.
Also Read – Color Psychology: What Does Your Instagram Feed Say?
The Best Time To Post On Instagram
With so many speculations running around the internet, it is time to see what is right and what isn’t. Here I have broken down the best time to post date wise.
Monday: 6 AM – 10 AM
Monday is not the most welcoming day of the week, and people from around the globe feel the same way. So, it is better to share your posts on Instagram at 6, 8, and 10 AM. As in the morning, when they are all grumpy (Like me, when someone doesn’t share the chocolate with me) and sleepy, you can make them excited.
One more thing to consider is the peak hour, every day of the week has a peak hour in which you’ll get the highest engagement possible. And on Monday it is from 11 AM and 2 PM
Tuesday: 4 – 5 AM, 9 AM – 6 PM
Tuesday is different from Mondays, even though both are working days, the posting time changes. On this day of the week, people are more active at 4, 5, and 9 AM, and the peak hour starts from 7 PM. So, post accordingly for higher engagement.
Wednesday: 5 AM, 11 AM and 3 PM
Coming to Wednesday, it is the best day of the week to post on Instagram. The reason is that I have seen a massive boost in engagement on this day of the week as compared to others. Thus, make sure you don’t miss posting on this day. Now the best time to post will be 5 and 11 AM, and the peak hour starts from 3 PM.
Thursday: 5 AM, 11 AM, and 3 PM – 4 PM.
Thursday is pretty much the same as Wednesday. It also has a high engagement rate, not as high as Wednesday but close. Therefore it is better you post with equal sincerity on both these days and then find out which works better for you. Try posting around 5, 9, 11 AM for the most engagement, and the peak time is the same i.e., 3 – 4 PM.
Friday: 5 AM, 9 AM – 10 AM, 11 AM – 1 PM, 2 PM
Friday is different from other days, as on this day people go out to socialize (well extroverts do) and have fun, very few users check their social feed. Thus, the best time to post on Friday is 5 AM, 9 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM, and the peak hour starts from 5 AM and 11 AM.
Saturday: 9 – 11 AM
This day is a little tricky as if you have a global user base, the time may vary as in some countries there are holidays and in some, there aren’t. So, you have to manage the time accordingly. For the region where it is a holiday, the time to post will be 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM, and for the region where it isn’t off the time will be usual i.e., 5 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM.
Sunday: 9 – 11 AM
Sunday being a holiday, people are more likely to check their Instagram feed and the best time to post on this day will be 7, 8, 11 AM and 12 PM. Although, you may not get the same engagement on this day as Wednesday or Thursday as not all spend their Sunday at home. Even then, share your posts, and see if it works for you.
There you have it, the day-wise breakdown of the best time to post to ig. The weekdays are the best to post as they bring more engagement as compared to weekends. So, save your important or good posts for the weekdays (Wednesday and Thursday). And the usual posting time here is from 9 AM to 6 PM.
The Time – Zone
As I have said earlier, Instagram focuses on more recent posts nowadays, so if you want to target the audiences globally, you have to post according to their time. Why?
Let me explain this with an example. If you are living somewhere in Asia (like me) and want to target the USA audiences, you have to repost the same post again based on USA time. As the post which you’ll share according to your time will not be recent after 11hrs (the time difference) and due to it is not recent, it’ll not show on the user’s feed there. Thus, you have to repost the same post, in order to get your post to the recent.
This applies to all the countries which have 4 – 6hrs or more time difference between them. I know, you guys are probably thinking, how are we going to post according to the time zone of other countries, we have other things to do too.
I hear you, and I have just got the solution for it.
Instagram Automation Tool. Using this, you can pre-schedule your posts to be posted on a specific date and time. There are many applications available on the internet to help you with this, such as Socinator, Hopper HQ, ScheduGram, Hootsuite, etc.
Here’s how you can auto-schedule your posts using Socinator –
1. After downloading and setting up the Socinator app on your pc, Create a campaign by clicking on the below-mentioned button –
As you click on it, you will be shown this page where you have to create a campaign to get started. To do that, you have to click on the ‘Create Campaign’ button available at the top.
2. Once you do that you’ll be shown this page –
Here you can configure your campaign by assigning it a name as per your choice, entering a post description, adding media, and other settings. Once you are done, click on the ‘Post Configuration’ tab.
3. Here you will have to add the time, date, and frequency on which this post will be uploaded to Instagram. If you are adding multiple posts, don’t forget to add ‘Delay Between Post.’ This is important as you don’t want to add multiple posts at the same time.
Once done, click the ‘Save’ button on the top right corner.
With the help of these three simple steps, you can pre-schedule your posts and manage your social media profile better.
Also Read – 24 Ways Socinator can Help you Grow Your Instagram Account
I hope these tips work for you and help you get better engagement. Keep posting regularly and figure out the best time to post on Instagram for your brand/profile as it may differ for you.
And do tell me which time worked the best for you and why, down in the comment section. I would love to get your input.
Until next time.